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Resin Awards
The are examples of some of the resin awards that are available. Contact us for more options.

Shooting Star Resing
Comes in multiple sports 5" $12.50

Xploding Resing Figures
5 1/4" comes in multiple sports $16.00

Gold Pedestal Resing
5 1/2" Multiple sports $17

Action Star Resins
6" Multiple Sports $17

Resin Figures
Multiple Sports $16

Starburst Resin
Multiple Sports 6" $15 7" $17

Xploding Resing Figures
5 1/4" comes in multiple sports $16.00

Resins Shields
Comes in 6" or 8" with stand 4 1/2" x 6" $15 6" x 81/2" $20

Starburst Resin
Multiple Sports 6" $15 7" $17

Wreath Resin
Multiple Sports 4" $10

Encore Resing
Multiple Sport 8" $21 7" $18 5 3/4" $15

Eagle Resing
Comes in 6" or 8" with stand 4 1/2" x 6" $15 6" x 81/2" $20

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